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We’ve been in Porto for almost a week and the jet lag has mostly worn off. Yea! Now we can get back to work and get some fresh content going.

It’s been a really, really long time since we’ve crossed more than one timezone at a time. We both forgot how hard jet lag can hit. It didn’t help that we walked about 11 miles throughout NYC on the day of our overnight flight to Lisbon. Starting a long journey, across the pond, as they say, is probably not the greatest idea. That will be included in our next video…

Today, Scott snuck out early to hit the Lavandaria, so I grabbed some photos from our itty bitty apartment (AirBnB). Did I say itty bitty? That’s actually an understatement. We can barely turn around without hitting our elbows on the walls. I can say, living in a very small RV for the past 5 years really did help prepare us for living in a space this small.

I have a tendency to frequently hit my big noggin on things and well, let’s just say a helmet would be appropriate for me to wear while moving about this apartment.

We’ll have a video tour of our apartment coming up soon so you can really get a feel for the tiny place.

We’ve really enjoyed our time so far in Porto. It’s a great city with so much to see and really friendly locals. We happen to be located in a very touristy area (total accident) which is very convenient in many ways and not so much in others. Anyway, a lot of this will be included in an upcoming video. For now, please enjoy this image gallery.

Lots more to come!

– Rain

Thanks for watching & for the support!
Rain & Scott
aka Birdie & Bambam

Naturist Vlog: https://www.FullFrontal.Life
Travel Vlog: https://youtube.com/@BIRDIEandBAMBAM


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JUN 05, 2023 – We did it! Our world travels have begun ✈️. First stop, Porto PT via NYC & Lisbon. New naturist & travel videos are on the way. Don’t miss a thing! For our full nudist videos, support us on Patreon & for our travel videos, subscribe to our free YouTube channel. Come along!

MAY 16, 2023 – Today we put our RV, which has served as our home for the past 5 yrs, in storage. Then we’re off to sell our 4×4 Adventure Van. All new destinations ✈️ very soon. Come along!

MAY 14, 2023 – We’re about two weeks away from starting our world travels ✈️🌍 Look for a couple more travel videos in the next week or so and then our updates will be near real-time again…

MAR 07, 2023 – We listened & DOWNLOADS HAVE ARRIVED! On each video’s page, current supporters (Level SPF20+) will now find a download link for the full-length HD video.

MAR 06, 2023 – Current supporters can now view full-length videos (up to 4K) right here on our website (just below the video preview). You no longer need to view from within the Patreon interface which can be a bit clunky.

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